As we finish week four of our new GB Sewing and Handcraft Course, we have much to thank God for.

The centre is to teach girls sewing and other handcrafts, with Bible and English lessons as well.  Our vision is to equip young women to have skills and spiritual maturity so that they can run their own income generating projects and stand firm in Jesus in their lives.  We have started with 12 students, selected from 26 applicants.  Most have finished primary school and had no chance to further their education.  One has finished Form 4 but was not able to further her studies.  And our oldest student only did 2 years of primary school. In our morning devotions on the first day, she gave her testimony, saying she never thought she would be in a classroom again and thanked Jesus for giving her this opportunity.

The school day begins at 7 am each morning, with a break for breakfast/morning tea at 11 am and then through to 2 pm.  Four of the girls selected come from villages and so we have rented a room for them just up the road from the school.

On March 8th classes began.  Justina, Lilian, Jertruda, Loyce, Maria, Mariamu, Veronika, Modesta, Airini, Alisi, Zipora and Neema are so thrilled.  They range in age from 15 to 34.  Some are from our GB companies.  And we also have girls from the Methodist, Mennonite and Pentecostal churches. On the first day Alisi came with a baby on her back (she is married with 3 children).  Lilian and Jertruda are both orphans so this is a unique chance for them to continue with their education.  In our Bible lesson one week, as we looked at Naomi and Ruth, there was opportunity for the girls to share when someone had encouraged them in a difficult situation.  Mariamu shared that when she became pregnant, people talked and judged and said she had ruined her life.  But her mother encouraged her and stood by her and now we also join  in encouraging Mariamu to follow Jesus for herself and her baby daughter.

For many of them it was the first time to sit down at a sewing machine. At first they were just learning how to operate them, but were soon sewing pieces of paper, then scraps of material and then hemming. Now they have each made their own school uniform and look very smart in their blue striped skirts. They have also started handcrafts and made bead crosses for Easter.

Noadia and Christina are our sewing teachers. Jane will be teaching English (and also learning sewing).  The four of us will share the Bible lessons.  And we are excited to have guest teachers from Musoma.  Amy Vink will be coming down once a month to teach a Bible lesson and an English lesson.  Emma and Errin (two short termers helping with home schooling for Vinks and Archers) will also be teaching English on a roster.

On Monday we had lunch together and the students stayed back for more sewing and a game of basket ball.  That was such a success it is going to be on our program twice a month.

As we get to know the students and learn more of their stories and hopes and struggles, we pray that we will grow together as a real Christian community and that we will have opportunity to nurture and encourage the girls in their faith and in their lives.

Helen is currently taking a well deserved break in the UK and Israel and will hopefully return to Bunda on 5 May. Please pray that she will be refreshed and rejuvenated.

If you would like to learn more about GB Tanzania, scroll down and read two of the previous blogs posted in March.

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