Christine MacFarlane, one of the members of the new GB Europe blog team, shares how Ruth Chikasa (GB Interational President) inspired her. Christine and Ruth were attending the GB Europe Conference in Northampton. Over 90 women from across the world gathered to pray and dream together. It was a fantastic weekend. Scroll down to see some photos. Do you know anyone?

It was a privilege to hear Ruth Chikasa (our International President) speak at the GB Europe conference outside London last weekend. She spoke about her thoughts on our new International Vision Statement:

‘Girl’s lives transformed – God’s world enriched’.

This is what she had to say:

 Girls’ Brigade International has a dream – and like Jacob (Gen 28:10-22) we must remember this dream and mark it as a starting point in our journey.

But while this vision sounds great and we love to recite it to anyone who will listen – it is perhaps more important to make the dream a reality!

Like Peter at the transfiguration of Jesus (Matt 17:1-13/Mark 9:2-12/Luke 9:28-36), we do not want to leave the mountain top, but we have to come back down to Earth and start breaking our vision down into step that we can achieve now!

Our first step towards achieving our vision is to CHANGE!!

This might be scary and nobody likes to change but this is the only necessary step we need to take.

‘Only once we change ourselves, can we change the world.’

‘You have stayed too long on this mountain – break camp and advance!’ (Deut 1:6-8).

We must undergo a personal transformation before we can transform the lives of others.

We must change GB International from being a structure to being a ministry and a movement to disciple girls across the world.

We must work alongside God to make a real difference in our world!

Love Christine x

All ready to Fizz away - over 45 women are heading to Kosova on mission teams this summer.Game time! Who's cheating?Some serious deliberations are happening...!Our GB Europe facebook wall - who needs computers?

June 21, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized . . Author: Dr Claire Rush

1 Comment

  1. I recognise those two lovely ‘Bookends’ !! Grace and Chloe from 1st Hawkwell – so proud of you girls!! 🙂

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