Keeping on track!


Sunday brought a day of rest for the team.  We joined Pierre at his church where it was more what we were accustomed to back home.  The service reinforced the key themes from our first week here. The words of Isaiah 9 verse 6 were hung on the wall of the church:

” Wonderful Counsellor.  Mighty God”

Many times throughout the week we have reflected on the sovereignty of God not only over our time in George but also in our lives back home.  The minister reminded us that although we often expect God to work immediately in response to prayer, it is normally a journey that we take to develop our understanding of God and his plans.  This journey may not be easy and quick but God is wonderful and his plans are to prosper us.

After church, we headed to a local coffee shop for a tasty lunch.  The team also used this time to head to the shops to buy extra warm clothing as some had not anticipated how cold an African winter’s night could get with no central heating and having spent the first week wearing the same jumpers whilst painting!!!

In the afternoon, we headed back to Victoria Bay, one of the local beaches.  We were taken on a walk along a disused railway track where we got hilltop views of the beautiful local scenery.  The walk may not have passed a thorough Girls Brigade risk assessment but the team had a great time and made it back to house in one piece!!!

With only five days left in George, the team are keen to ensure that we make the most of every opportunity we have.  With this in mind after heading to the preschool to cover it in prayer tomorrow, we plan to throw ourself into working in the local township.

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