‘Pray for each other’ (James 5:16)

Many of you did amazing things to incorporate this resource into your prayers on or around the 10th June, and a massive wave of Prayer swept across the world at this time as we thought about our sisters across the globe, and asked for God’s blessings to be poured out upon each and every Girls’ Brigade member.

But the Prayer Wave is a transferable resource, and there are so many more opportunities for us to use the Prayer Wave booklet and to continue to keep our worldwide GB family in our prayers. It’s not too late to join the ‘Girls’ Brigade Prayer Wave 2011’on facebook. Do so now and read about the inspirational things that others did to join the wave of prayer! There are so many ways we can implement this resource, and to continue to regularly pray for the countries, their companies and their needs; here are some ideas:


-Continue to look through the booklet and take the needs of the countries and fellowships to God.

-Look on the websites of all five fellowships; read up-to-date articles on those areas, and pray for the current situations that certain countries are facing.

-Pray that Girls’ Brigade will continue to be strengthened, not as an organisation, but as a movement that makes a real difference in the lives of so many.

-Thank God for all that He has already done though GB, and ask that He continues to pour out His Spirit in this way!

In church:

-Speak to your Chaplain about incorporating worldwide prayer into a service; he/she may even let you take the whole service!

-Ask church members to pray for specific countries.

-Place a map in your church and mark on it the five fellowships, with prayer requests dotted all around.

In GB:

-Twin each age group with a fellowship; teach them about this area and encourage them to pray for the girls there; they could even share what they’ve learnt with the rest of the company and lead the other girls in prayer.

-Have a theme night! Dress up, eat food, sing songs, learn dances and have a good time as you think about and pray for those elsewhere.

-Give each girl an individual country. Lead everyone in a general group prayer, and then encourage them to pray quietly and individually about the country on their card.

Be creative:

-Have prayer stations around your church either on a company night, or for the church members to also engage in.

-Create a prayer wall where each person has a brick, writes a prayer for a country and places it on the wall to build a massive wall of prayer.

-Use the ‘Ripples’ creative prayer resource (which can be downloaded from the top right of this page) to connect with God in a different way!

God never wants us to stop praying; the Bible tells us this in Luke 18:1. And what’s even more amazing is that God always hears our prayers! Jesus said: ‘Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.’ (Mark 11:24) So let’s never let the Prayer Wave cease, knowing that God will stay faithful and our prayers for our Girls’ Brigade family throughout the world will be answered!

Love and blessings,

Charlotte x

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